RENT -A - BIKE Bacalar is part of Lynx Foundation an non profit organization that promotes conservation projects and eco - friendly transportation with the enviroment in Bacalar so you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest in Bacalar in a sporty and friendly way with the environment.
Our Objective is to reduce the Co2 emisions to the enviroment by providing Bike Rental service to the tourists that visit Bacalar for holidays and promote eco- friendly transportation with the enviroment.
>> We have avaliable fexible 24 hrs plans of bike rental so you can move secure and easly when you visit Bacalar
>>Requirments for Bike Rental Bookings :
=> Booking in advance and check dates avaliability
=> Send by Whatsapp a picture of your Passport
=> Fill the following booking form and send it by Whatsapp:
> Full name
> Dates for rental
> Number of passport
> Hotel where you are staying
=> Pick up your bike showing your passport in our bike rental location
>> $500 Cash Deposit
>> $150 for 24 hours
>> $300 MXN from 24 to 48 hrs
>> $450 MXN from 48 to 72 hrs
>> Conservation fees help our organitation to keep promoting actions to preserve the enviroment